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  • How do I enter the Attendance for my child? 

    • All absences must be entered in the Genesis Parent Portal before 10 A.M. 

    • To enter an absence, follow these steps in the Parent Portal:

What happens if my child comes to school late? 

○     Parents/guardians must notify school of their child’s lateness through the Genesis Parent Portal before 10:00 AM.
○     Students entering the school 15+ minutes late at any point in the day must have parent/guardian verification, and MUST sign-in and obtain a pass from the Attendance Office. Failure to do so may result in unverified absences (cuts) in any missed classes.

●     What do I need to do if my child has to leave school early?

○     Parents/guardians of students in all grades must enter the Early Dismissal in the Parent Portal before  10:00 am, and all students MUST sign-out in the attendance office before leaving.
○     Students in grades 9-11 must have a parent/guardian come into the building, and the student MUST sign-out in the Attendance Office.
○     Only seniors who have the parent/guardian permission in Genesis may sign themselves out without having a parent/guardian come into the building, provided the Attendance Office has received prior notification of the Early Dismissal.

●     How do I get my child’s Attendance Information and Warnings?

○     Daily Attendance and Class Attendance information can be found under the Attendance tab in Genesis.
○     Warnings will be automatically sent via Genesis to parents/guardians after 6 and 10 absences in full year classes, and after 3-4 absences in semester classes.

●     What is the absence limit for a student?

○     As per Policy 5200, students who have 15 or more absences in a class will lose credit in that particular class and may have an opportunity to come before the Attendance Appeals Committee to have their case reviewed.
○     Only cases with extenuating circumstances will be reviewed and considered by the Attendance Appeals Committee.
○     If/when students lose credit in a course, they may remediate up to 2 classes over the summer at their own expense with the approval of the Vice Principal.

●     What happens if/when my child does not attend the class (cuts)?

○     A cut is defined as any absence from class of 15+ min that is not verified - meaning the student is not checked in to another location within the school or a parent/guardian has not notified the school of the student’s lateness or absence.
○     All cuts are submitted through Genesis in the Discipline tab by a staff member
○     SSL/VP may reach out to the teacher for more information
○     Consequences

  • First cut - 3 central detentions
  • Second cut - 3 central detentions, parent/guardian contact, student not allowed to participate in extracurricular activities, closed campus/loss of IDT
  • Third cut - loss of credit in class
    • Student will not be removed from class
    • Opportunity to remediate credit in summer school if there are no additional cuts

●     What happens if/when my child arrives to class late?

○     A student is considered late/tardy if they arrive up to 14 minutes late to class

  • Tardy excused - if a student arrives with a pass
  • Tardy unexcused - a student arrives without a pass
  • First 1-5 tardies handled by teacher
  • SSL follows up after 6+ tardies in a class and this may result in additional consequences

●     Who can I speak to about my child’s attendance?

○     The School Counselor is the first point of contact for all school related issues.
○     Also, contact the Attendance Office, or the Nurse for any medical related attendance issues.
○     The Student Support Leaders along with the Vice Principal’s Office can provide additional/detailed information.

■     Jennifer Halliwell: works with counselors Natalie Kohan and Marley Brown

■     Tara Haggerty: works with counselors Joan Thomas and Tina Schweid

■     Amanda Saudino: works with counselors Susan Patterson and Jenny Ihn

●     What is the rule for wearing the lanyards/IDs?

○     All students are required to wear their school issued lanyard & ID at all times.
○     If students forget their lanyard/ID, they must report to the Attendance Office to obtain a sticker. This will result in a detention on the same day.

●     What is the rule about technology?

○     All THS students MUST use their district-issued device and should bring their charger to school.

●     What is the rule about cell phones?

○     All phones must be put in the phone caddy in the classroom, and remain there for the entire period, including temporary trips out of the classroom (ie, bathroom). No phones should be kept in lockers due to possible theft.
​​​​​​​○     THS Administration reserves the right to confiscate any electronic device.