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Student Organization

Below are some frequently asked questions that the Student Organization receives.

1.  How can I start a club here at Tenafly High School?

There are over 90 clubs here at Tenafly!  All of them have been started by students like you.  Starting a club involves: finding a teacher who will sponsor your club as the advisor, gathering interested members (names of 10 students who are interested), writing a club constitution, recording a video of why your club is unlike any other and should be passed.  All of that information can be found here in this google form.

2.  I am in a club and I want to run a fundraiser.  How do I put out a box for donations and flyers around the school?

Many clubs run fundraisers throughout the year - in fact, so many that we have to keep track of them to make sure they don't compete against each other.  To run a fundraiser you need to know what items you are accepting for donation, how long it will run, who is in charge of the donation box and make sure any flyers that you want to put up adhere to the rules for flyers.  Once you know that you can fill out the Donation / Fundraiser form here.   Then you can fill out the Permission to Hang Flyers Form here.

3.  My club wants to have a bake sale.  How do I go about doing this?

Only teachers have access to the district calendar to submit a bakesale via a special link.  They will have to search in their special teacher email for a message from me with the subject line "Book a bake sale with this link!".  Then they can submit a bake sale date and will receive an email if they are approved for the date.

4.  My club needs funds!  How do I get money from the Student Organization?   THS gets one pot of money to distribute between all of the clubs at the school.  It is up to the Student Organization Treasurer to decide how to distribute the funds.  There are a few rules however:

  • THS Clubs have to be approved on a SO vote and exist in good standing for 1 full year before they are elligible for funds.
  • THS SO generally tries to cover the cost of supplies, registration fees, and they tend not to cover the cost of things like travel and lodging.
  • Every year near the end of October, the SO holds budget hearings where clubs can sign up for a meeting and describe their needs.
  • Clubs that are able to provide logs with attendance numbers, receipts from last year and other evidence of positive student impact will stand a better chance of funding.
  • Generally, the clubs as a whole request more money than is in the budget, so rarely are clubs approved for the full amount.
  • The SO does its best to try and help the most students it can with the money that is available to it.

5.  I am so excited about the club fair this year!  What are the guidelines for presenting my club at the fair?

  • Each club should have room for a trifold poster and other optional items that fit within a 4 square foot space.
  • You will not be excused from a class to be in the library during a class period. Therefore, if you have no one to watch your display for a period of time, please do not leave anything valuable at your station.
  • Please do not arrive before 7:50am to set up your display. Starting at 8:00am, it is first come first serve as to the selection of locations for your set-up in the library. 
  • Remember to leave a sign up sheet, qr code, google classroom code etc. (with the name of your club at the top) and a writing implement at your station. 
  • To alleviate crowding, please have only one person representing your club at a time. 
  • Do not bring your lunch or drinks in the library - there is no food or drink allowed.
  • We strongly recommend that you do not chat with your friends at the station as it is a deterrent for others to sign up for your club. We are also trying to keep traffic moving so that students can get to all of the clubs.
  • You will not be allowed to play any music or any videos with sound.
  • Do not forget to take your display and sign up sheet with you at the conclusion of lunch (or very soon after).