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THS Health Office FAQs 

What happens if my student becomes sick during the school dayYour student should report to the Health Office if they become unwell during the school day. The parent/guardian will be contacted through the Health Office. Any student leaving the school due to illness must have a parent/guardian sign them out through the Attendance Office.

Can my student attend sports after school if they were home sick? A student may not return to school for an extracurricular activity if they were home sick or sent home sick during the school day.

Can my student carry their own medication at school? Students may not have prescription or non-prescription medication in their possession while in school and/or during any school activity. If your student requires a medication to be administered during the school day, please reach out to the Health Office to coordinate administration by the School Nurse.

Are absences excused with a doctor’s note? Generally speaking, school absences are not excused with a doctor’s note. The first 2 consecutive days of any illness count toward your student’s absences. For general medical appointments, all attempts should be made to schedule your student’s visit outside of school hours. In situations involving an extended absence and chronic illness parent’s must communicate with the nurse in order to coordinate return to school and attendance.